Healthy Hair Comes From The Inside Out….

working out photo

Courtesy of Yahoo!

Is it too late to say Happy New Year?? Oh well I’m going to say it anyway……HAPPY NEW YEAR Y’ALL! I hope everyone had an amazing holiday with friends and family.

Let’s get down to business….it’s new year and a new year brings resolutions.

What’s my resolution?? For me, this year is going to be all about growing healthy hair….from the inside out. As important as it is to help your hair grow from the outside, it is equally important to grow beautiful hair from the inside too. A healthy body = beautiful hair. So, how do we grow beautiful hair from the inside?

First, we need a balanced diet. Vitamins and other nutrients help your hair in different ways. For example:

Vitamin A (found in carrots, peaches, and eggs) help the hair better produce sebum or the scalp’s natural oil.

Biotin (found in rice and eggs) helps prevent hair loss.

Vitamin E (found in nuts, seeds, and leafy greens) helps with the scalp’s circulation.

And of course we can’t forget about water! Drinking water helps to keep the scalp and hair moisturized.

In addition to eating right, exercise is necessary too. Exercise helps with blood circulation. Great blood circulation helps pumps nutrients to the hair.

Aside from growing beautiful hair, I want to exercise and eat better for other reasons. I want more energy, to be more fit, and just feel better from the inside out.

With that being said, I got my healthier food, my exercise clothes, and my Zumba DVDs. I’m ready to grow healthy hair from the inside out. Stay tuned to see my progress and for healthy recipes (yum!).

What’s your New Year’s resolution?



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